Session 3 Guide


This session focuses on how from smaller subunits like amino acids, proteins are made. This module highlights the peptide bond, the levels of protein structure, pI of peptides, and specific examples of proteins.  

The following are the tasks for this session:

1. Go through the Levels of Protein Organization lesson. Be sure to answer the questions embedded in the lesson. 

2. (Optional) You may want to download the files on GFP and insulin to make paper models the proteins. This will help you visualize the levels of protein organization. Feel free to share pictures of your model on the forum board. Alternatively, you can check out the protein structures through the RCSB links provided. 

Main Reading References: Reading Module on Peptides and the Primary Structure and the Secondary to Quaternary Structures.

If you have questions/clarifications, please use the designated forum board for this module.