“Have You Ever Heard of This?”

PNEI: Newborn Hearing Technologies of the Future

In this section, provide a glimpse of the contents of Short Course 6. The idea is to ignite the interest of the students in learning because there is a foreseeable future presented to them. Give highlights to those that are already working or possibly those in the works to give them a purpose that they can contribute to its development as they begin learning the topics in each short course.

Description: Include the instructor's name and their affiliation

In this section, connect the mentioned "future" to the present and then, the next statements would about be the past. This is to relate this paragraph to the discussion directly below it.

How did it all start?

This section would only answer the question above vaguely. The next sentences will describe what they will encounter or learn in the short course which would start from knowing the past then, to the present-day situation.

At the end of Short Course 1, the learner will be able to:

1. Demonstrate awareness of the law governing NHS. 
2. Discuss the fundamental principles of NHS and the operations of NHSRC.
Create a community educational video on the impact of implementing NHS.

Upon completion: What's waiting for you?

In this part, mention what they will receive after completing the course. It may be a badge or a certificate that will serve as their exit reward for the current course and their entry requirement for the next short course. In here, include the estimated number of hours that will be taken to complete the online and face-to-face activities. Also, if a passing grade will be required to move on to the next short course, it is a must to mention it here and what they can do if they fail on their first try.