What is Time Management?


Every course you will take in the University will surely involve the completion of various learning tasks and activities, most of which you may find challenging. These tasks and their deadlines can become a source of stress to you as learners. To cope with the stress, you may be advised by your parents, friends, or teachers to use or manage your time wisely. But what exactly is “time management”?

Time management is “planning and controlling the amount of time you spend on specific tasks” (Australian Christian College n.d.). Generally, time management can help you cope with various demands on your time and use your time productively. In the video below, three UP students share their thoughts on the benefits of effective time management.

Poor time management can be due to procrastination, self-control issues, being disorganized, and distractions in one’s environment or learning space, among others. To address these challenges you will need to develop “an effective time management environment” (University of West Georgia 2014). The next section presents some strategies and tips you can apply to improve your ability to manage your time.

Last modified: Thursday, 12 August 2021, 9:29 AM