Basic Web Form Elements

This is an input box field - for encoding a short, single line of text. 

Enter a one line text:

This is a single select dropdown field. Choose only one. 

I am:to meet you.

This is a radio button group. You can choose only one option.

Today is (choose only one): Rainy Sunny Cloudy .

This is a checkbox group. You can check as many choices as available.

I have the following symptoms (Check all that apply):





Difficulty of breathing


This a date picker field. Easier to pick a date from the calendar widget.

Date enrolled:

This is a button. Click to submit a form or trigger an event.

This is a tooltip. Provides additional information to user.

Place the cursor or hover over this text.

This is a header text (H1 size). Large size text for headers end emphasis.

Some big text you have!

This is an Alert box. Notifies user of some important event or reminder.

This is a Confirm prompt. Asks user before proceeding to an action like submitting a form. 

Last modified: Wednesday, 29 July 2020, 11:23 AM