Intended Learning Outcomes

Program Outcomes

1.       Effective communication skills in written and oral form

2.       Outstanding professionalism, cultural competence, and ability to collaborate with other health professionals

3.       Nationalism and internationalism in the practice of the teaching profession

4.       Ability to develop context-based macro and micro-plans for health professions education

5.       Advanced teaching skills based on best evidence

6.       Effective educational leadership and administration skills 

7.       Skills in evaluating educational programs and studies

8.       Ability to utilize relevant evidence in the planning, conducting and evaluating HPEd programs

9.       Skills in conducting relevant research in the production of new, relevant, and updated knowledge in HPEd

Course Outcomes

After completing this course, you should be able to

  1. Effectively communicate to an interprofessional audience, curricular concepts and curricular plans in both written and oral form
  2. Distinguish curriculum planning from instructional designing
  3. Identify the significance and rationale of their own curricular plans to the needs of their profession and institution
  4. Discuss the changing landscape that should be considered in designing curriculum in the health sciences
  5. Analyze the applicable Commission on Higher Education [CHED] policies, standards, and guidelines of the various regulated professions in health and their implications to curriculum planning
  6. Collaborate with other health professionals in the production of curricular products
  7. Develop context-based curricular plans for their chosen field
  8. Apply effective teaching skills in presenting various curricular concepts
  9. Develop curricular evaluation plans
  10. Critique selected existing curricula in the health sciences with reference to appropriate and contemporary curricular frameworks
  11. Utilize and analyze existing evidence to support their curricular framework
  12. Lead classroom groups effectively
  13. Present their curricular proposal to relevant groups

Course Objectives

 Upon completion of the course, the students should be able to:

  1. Describe a curriculum in terms of its nature and components.
  2. Discuss the philosophical, psychological, societal, and cultural foundations of a curriculum.
  3. Apply the curriculum planning and development process to their chosen educational context in terms of:
      1. Determinants and formulation of goals and objectives
      2. Selection, categorization, and organization of content
      3. Selection of teaching strategies
      4. Evaluation/assessment procedures
  1. Compare various approaches to curriculum development in terms of their uses, strengths, and weaknesses.
  2. Formulate strategies for introducing changes/improvements in the curriculum.
  3. Develop a curriculum design for a specific area (in health education and training) of interest.
  4. Utilize relevant current scholarly work in the production of written and oral outputs
  5. Communicate effectively using various forms of media
  6. Provide evidence of presentation of the curriculum plan to relevant stakeholders

Last modified: Tuesday, 20 August 2024, 1:48 PM