Post-lecture activity

Due: Tuesday, 14 November 2023, 12:59 AM


THE CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM: Heart and blood vessels

Please submit your answers in this forum.

1. Adequate cardiac output is necessary in order to supply oxygen and other nutrients to all body tissues. Cardiac output is influenced by stroke volume and heart rate. Factors affecting the stroke volume includes PRELOAD, CONTRACTILITY and AFTERLOAD.

In the following conditions, indicate what factor/s influence the cardiac output: PRELOAD, CONTRACTILITY, AFTERLOAD, HEART RATE. Explain the why the factor/s affects cardiac output in 1 to 2 sentences.

a. High blood pressure

b. Massive bleeding

c. the drug dopamine

d. Running a sprint

e. Massive myocardial infarction (cardiac tissue death)

Separate groups: All participants
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