Forum (Reciprocal Engagement Model)
To recap, the five tenets of genetic counseling based on the REM are 1.) genetic information is key; 2.) relationship is integral in genetic counseling; 3.) patient autonomy must be supported; 4.) patients are resilient; and 5.) patient emotions make a difference.
If for example, you encountered a client with G6PD deficiency or Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer Syndrome (HBOC), what could be the genetic information that are important to impart to the client? How can the genetic counselor-client relationship be strengthened? How can the client's autonomy be supported? How can we ensure resilience of our clients? How do we consider the client's emotions during the genetic counseling engagement?
The information about G6PD deficiency and HBOC in the following website may help you formulate your answers.
G6PD deficiency-