The Student Evaluation for Teaching Effectiveness (SET) is a useful source of information for assisting faculty in improving how they teach their courses. It describes teaching behaviors from the point of view of students. Your sincere and honest feedback is very much appreciated. Your responses will be anonymous and will not be linked to you as an individual. This will be done and is required for each of the lecturers/consultants, for a total of 6 SETs for this course in your 1st week and 3 SETs in your second week in Anesthesiology 251. You may access the form in the link below.


The UPCM Course Evaluation by Students (CEBS) allows the course faculty to evaluate the delivery of instruction and enhance teaching-learning methodologies and assessments to achieve student learning outcomes. This will be accomplished after your 2nd week with us in Anesthesiology 251. You may access the form in the link below.

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