by Janella Erin Gutierrez -
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Muscle name: Platysma

Origin: Fascia that covers deltoid and pectoralis major muscles
Insertion: Mandible 
Action: Depresses mandible; lowers the inferior lips

2 Muscle name: Depressor labii inferioris 

Origin: Mental tubercle and oblique line of mandible 
Insertion: Skin of lower lip
Action: Depresses the lower lip


3 Muscle name: Orbicularis oris

Origin: Muscle fibers surrounding opening of mouth
Insertion: Skin around the lips
Action: Controls the movement of the lips


4 Muscle name: Corrugator supercilii

Origin: Medial end of the superciliary arch of frontal bone
Insertion: Skin of eyebrow 
Action: Draws eyebrow inferiorly and creates vertical wrinkles on the bridge of the nose


5 Muscle name: Orbicularis oculi

Origin: Medial wall of orbit 
Insertion: Circular path around orbit
Action: Closes eyelids


6 Muscle name: Occipitofrontalis

Origin: Epicranial aponeurosis
Insertion: Skin superior to supraorbital margin 
Action: Raises eyebrows and wrinkles skin of forehead horizontally