by Denjuast Valmonte -
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  1. Muscle: Platysma
    Origin: Fascia over deltoid and pectoralis major muscles
    Insertion: Mandible
    Action: Draws outer part of lower lip down and depresses mandible


  1. Muscle: Mentalis 
    Origin: Mandible
    Insertion: Underneath skin of chin 
    Action: Elevates and protrudes lower lip and pulls skin of chin up; as in pouting


  1. Muscle: Orbicularis oris
    Origin: Muscle fibers encircling the opening of the mouth 
    Insertion: Slom at corner of the mouth 
    Action: Closes and brings the lips together; as in kissing


  1. Muscle: Corrugator supercili
    Origin: Medial end of superciliary arch of frontal lobe
    Insertion: Skin of eyebrow 
    Action: Moves eyebrows downwards


  1. Muscle: Orbicularis oculi 
    Origin: Medial wall of orbit
    Insertion: Circular path around orbit
    Action: Closes eye


  1. Muscle: Occipofrontalis
    Origin: Epicranial Aponeurosis 
    Insertion: Skin superior to supraorbital margin 
    Action: Makes horizontal lines on the forehead; wrinkles skin