by John August Mañalac -
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  1.  Platysma

    1. Origin: Deep fascia over Pectoralis Major and Deltoid

    2. Insertion: Body of the Mandible and Angle of the Mouth

    3. Action: Depression of the Mandible, Tenses the skin of the neck, Draws the corners of the mouth down


  1. Depressor Labii Inferioris

    1. Origin: Anterior part of the oblique line of the Mandible

    2. Insertion: Lower lip at midline

    3. Action: Everts the lower lip


  1. Orbicularis Oris

    1. Origin: Maxilla and Mandible 

    2. Insertion: Skin and mucous membrane of lips

    3. Action: Closes and protrudes lips


  1. Corrugator Supercilii

    1. Origin: Medial end of the superciliary arch

    2. Insertion: Skin and Fascia deep to the eyebrow

    3. Action: Draws the eyebrows downward and medially. Wrinkles forehead


  1. Orbicularis Oculi 

    1. Origin: Medial wall of orbit

    2. Insertion: Circular path around orbit

    3. Action: Closes the eyelids and Compresses the lacrimal sac


  1. Occipitofrontalis

    1. Origin: Epicranial aponeurosis

    2. Insertion: Galea aponeurotica 

    3. Action: Raises eyebrows and wrinkles the skin of forehead horizontally