by Ralph Andrei Ereso -
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  1. PCV and Penta Vaccinations for Infant 
    Site: Anterolateral thigh
    Muscle Targeted: Vastus lateralis 
    Origin: Greater trochanter and linea aspera of femur.
    Insertion:  Patella via quadriceps tendon, tibial tuberosity via patellar ligament.
    Action: Extend leg at knee joint
    Locating the area: Standing at the client's side facing the thigh, locate the greater trochanter with your palm. Slide your palm distally onto the lateral thigh. Palpate the oblique fibers of the vastus lateralis anterior and posterior to the iliotibial band.

    2. Influenza vaccine (65 years old)
    Upper Arm
    Muscle Targeted: Deltoid Muscle

    Origin: Acromial extremity of clavicle (anterior fibers), acromion of scapula (lateral fibers), and spine of scapula (posterior fibers).
    Insertion: Deltoid tuberosity of humerus.
    Action: Lateral fibers abduct arm at shoulder joint; anterior fibers flex and medially rotate arm at shoulder joint; posterior fibers extend and laterally rotate arm at shoulder joint.
    Locating the area: Approximately 2–3 fingerbreadths (approximately 2 inches) below the acromion process, and sitting just above the level of the armpit, in the central part of the upper arm