ACTIVITY 1 - Magno

ACTIVITY 1 - Magno

by Kaitlyn Marie Magno -
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1. Platysma

Origin: Infraclavicular and supraclavicular subcutaneous tissue

InsertionMandibular base, cheek and lower lip skin, modiolus, orbicularis oris

ActionLowers the mandible against resistance, tightens the inferior facial and neck skin (the tense expression)

2. Depressor labii inferioris

Origin: Platysma, mandibular body's anterolateral aspect

Insertion: Lower lip skin

Action: Dilates the mouth, lowers and everts the lower lip (to pout or express sadness)

3. Orbicularis oris

Origin: Medial maxilla and mandible, mouth angle, deep perioral skin

Insertion: Lips' mucous membrane

ActionCloses the oral fissure, compresses and protrudes the lips (when kissing), and prevents distension (when blowing)

4. Procerus and transverse nasalis part

OriginFacial aponeurosis over the nasal bone and lateral nasal cartilage

InsertionSkin in the inferior forehead area and between the eyebrows

ActionLowers the eyebrow's medial edge, wrinkles skin over the nose (the disgusted or disdainful expression)

5. Orbicularis oculi

OriginMedial orbital margin, medial palpebral ligament, and lacrimal bone

Insertion: Skin around the orbital margin, superior and inferior tarsal plates

ActionPalpebral portion gently closes the eyelids, orbital part tightly closes the eyelids

6. Occipitofrontalis frontal belly

OriginEpicranial aponeurosis

InsertionEyebrow and forehead skin and subcutaneous tissue

ActionRaises eyebrows, wrinkles forehead skin, and protracts scalp (the surprised expression)



Sharma, E. M., & Smith, K. D. (n.d.). [Table], Table 1. Facial Muscles - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf.