by Christian Caleb Austria -
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1. Depressor anguli oris
Origin: Mental tubercle
Insertion: Corner of the mandible
Action: To depress the corners of the mouth

2. Depressor labii inferioris
Origin: Oblique line of the mandible
Insertion: Skin and submucosa of the lower lip
Action: Pull the lower lip down and forward

3. Depressor labii inferioris and Orbicular oris
Origin: Mental tubercle and midline of the mandible respectively
Insertion: Corner of the mandible and tissues of upper and lower lips respectively
Action: To depress the corners of the mouth and close, project, and compress the upper lip respectively

4. Corrugator supercilii
Origin: medial end of superciliary arches
Insertion: medial portion of supraorbital margin
Action: creates vertical wrinkles over glabella

5. Orbicular oris
Origin: medial palberal ligament
Insertion: lateral palpebral raphe
Action: closing the eyelids

6. Occipitofrontalis
Origin: superior nuchal lines
Insertion: Epicranial aponeurosis
Action: raises the upper eyelid