Carl Dominique Mariano

Carl Dominique Mariano

by Carl Dominique Mariano -
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  1. Platysma
    1. Origin: fascia over deltoid and pectoralis major muscles.
    2. Insertion: mandible
    3. Action: depresses mandible
  2. Depressor labii inferioris
    1. Origin: mandible
    2. Insertion: skin of lower lip
    3. Action: depresses lower lip
  3. Orbicularis oris
    1. Origin: muscle fibers surrounding opening of mouth
    2. Insertion: skin at corner of mouth
    3. Action: like when kissing, closes and protrudes lips
  4. Corrugator supercilli
    1. Origin: medial end of superciliary arch of frontal bone.
    2. Insertion: skin of eyebrow
    3. Action: enables frowning by drawing eyebrow inferiorly and wrinkles skin of forehead vertically
  5. Orbicularis oculi
    1. Origin: medial wall of orbit
    2. Insertion: circular path around the orbit
    3. Action: closes the eye
  6. Occipitofrontalis
    1. Origin: epicranial aponeurosis
    2. Insertion: skin of the eyebrow
    3. Action: Produces horizontal wrinkles on the forehead by lifting the eyebrow and upper eyelids