1. Muscle Name: Platysma
Origin: Fascia over the pectoralis major and deltoid muscles
Insertion: Inferior border of the mandible
Action: Depresses the mandible and tightens the skin of the lower face and neck
2. Muscle Name: Mentalis
Origin: Incisive fossa of the mandible
Insertion: Skin of lower lip
Action: Pulls the skin of the chin upward, elevates, and protrudes the lower lip, creating a pout
3. Muscle Name: Orbicularis oris
Origin: Medial maxilla and mandible, deep perioral skin
Insertion: Skin and mucous membranes of the lips
Action: Closes the mouth and protrudes the lips, as in kissing
4. Muscle Name: Corrugator supercilii
Origin: Medial side of the superciliary arch
Insertion: Skin of the medial part of the eyebrow and the supraorbital margin.
Action: Pulls eyebrows inferomedially and wrinkles the skin of the forehead vertically
5. Muscle Name: Orbicularis oculi
Origin: Medial orbital margin, medial palpebral ligament, and lacrimal bone
Insertion: Skin around the orbital margin, superior and inferior tarsal plates
Action: Closes the eyelids
6. Muscle Name: Frontal Belly (Occipitofrontalis)
Origin: Epicranial aponeurosis
Insertion: Skin of the eyebrows and forehead
Action: Raises the eyebrows, wrinkles the forehead horizontally, and protracts scalp