by Kirk Renzo Balles -
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1. Platysma
Origin: Fascia over deltoid and pectoralis major muscles.
Insertion: Mandible, blends with muscles around angle of mouth, and skin of lower face.
Action: Draws outer part of lower lip inferiorly and posteriorly as in pouting; depresses mandible.

2. Mentalis
Origin: Mandible
Insertion: Skin of Chin
Action: Elevates and protrudes lower lip and pulls skin of chin up, as in pouting.

3. Buccinator
Origin: Alveolar processes of maxilla and mandible and pterygomandibular raphe (fibrous band extending from pterygoid process of sphenoid bone to mandible).
Insertion: Orbicular Oris
Action: Presses cheeks against teeth and lips, as in whistling, blowing, and sucking; draws corner of mouth laterally; and assists in mastication (chewing) by keeping food between the teeth (and not between teeth and cheeks).

4. Corrugator supercilii
Origin: Medial end of superciliary arch of frontal bone.
Insertion: Skin of eyebrow.
Action: Draws eyebrow inferiorly and wrinkles skin of forehead vertically as in frowning.

5. Orbicularis oculi
Origin: Medial wall of orbit.
Insertion: Circular path around orbit.
Action: Closes eye.

6. Occipitofrontalis
Origin: Epicranial aponeurosis.
Insertion: Skin superior to supraorbital margin.
Action: Draws scalp anteriorly, raises eyebrows, and wrinkles skin of forehead horizontally as in look of surprise.