by Roniel Alexus Rosas -
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  1. Platysma 

Origin: Fascia over deltoid and pectoralis major muscles. 

Insertion: Mandible

Action: Moves the outer lower lip down and back, like in a pout, and lowers the jaw.

  1. Depressor Labii Inferioris

Origin: Mandible 

Insertion: Skin of lower lip. 

Action: Depresses lower lip. 

  1. Orbicularis Oris

Origin: Muscle fibers encircling the mouth's opening.

Insertion: Skin at corner of mouth.

Action: Closes and protrudes lips; compresses lips against teeth; and shapes lips during speech.


  1. Corrugator Supercilii 

Origin: The inner part of the brow ridge on the frontal bone. 

Insertion: Skin of eyebrow. 

Action: Draws eyebrows inferiorly and wrinkles the skin of the forehead vertically. 

  1. Orbicularis Oculi

Origin: Medial wall of orbit. 

Insertion: Circular path around orbit. 

Action: Closes eye.

  1. Occipitofrontalis 

Origin: Epicranial aponeurosis 

Insertion: Skin superior to supraorbital margin.

Action: Pulls the scalp anteriorly, elevates the eyebrows, and creates horizontal wrinkles on the forehead.