Activity 1. The Food Journey

PAULINO, Lettice Jeazle G. - Activity 1

PAULINO, Lettice Jeazle G. - Activity 1

by Lettice Jeazle Paulino -
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  1. How does the food change in consistency and form?

    • The digestive system is responsible for changes in the food’s consistency and form. It begins with the mouth where the process of breaking down the food into smaller pieces or mastication occurs. Bolus is then formed after mixing with saliva and when swallowed, travels down the esophagus and heads towards the stomach. Chyme, a semi-liquid mixture is created after the bolus mixes with gastric juices. The chyme will then mix with enzymes from various digestive organs such as the liver, pancreas, etc. and the process of breaking the food down into smaller pieces will occur. The large intestine accumulates the remaining undigested substances and feces formation will occur.


  1. How could the body absorb the nutrients from the foods we eat? 

    • The body absorbs the nutrients from the food we eat through small and large intestines, where the final stages of digestion occur. Tiny projections called villi in the small intestine are responsible for nutrient absorption such as iron, water, protein, etc. Diffusion is also utilized by the small intestine to extract nutrients which will then be moved to the bloodstream. The large intestine completes the absorption of the nutrients from the foods we consume. It produces vitamins and breaks down nutrients that remain.

Tortora, G. J., & Derrickson, B. H. (2017). Tortora’s Principles of Anatomy & Physiology. Wiley.

Your Digestive System & How it Works. (2023, February 28). National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.

Sprouse, S. (2022, July 20). Your Guide to How Nutrients are Absorbed by the Body. Ask the Scientists.