TAN, Miguel Francis C.

TAN, Miguel Francis C.

by Miguel Francis Tan -
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Briefly explain the main cause or mechanism of increase in respiratory rate or depth and/or respiratory difficulties in the following cases: (one to two sentences only)

  1. Initiation of exercise

  • During exercise, our muscles need oxygen to be able to contract. Therefore, respiratory rate increases in order to reach and maintain the needed amount of oxygen to continue with exercise.

  1. Moderate exercise

  • Similarly, our muscles need more oxygen to contract and to provide more energy. An increase in respiratory rate is needed for us to keep up with the needs of our body.

  1. Abrupt ascent into high altitudes

  • As our altitude increases, the amount of oxygen available to us decreases. Therefore, we tend to have an increase in respiratory rate to maintain the required oxygen levels that our body needs.

  1. Paralysis of phrenic nerve 

  • The phrenic nerve is known to control the contraction and expansion of the diaphragm. Therefore, damage to the phrenic nerve can cause breathing problems and respiratory difficulties.

  1. Severe anemia

  • Anemia is a sickness wherein one does not have enough healthy red blood cells or hemoglobin to carry oxygen to different parts of the body. In order to still maintain oxygen levels of the body, the respiratory rate increases to sustain it.

  1. Advanced pregnancy

  • In advanced pregnancy, the uterus grows to a certain size wherein it compresses parts of the lungs and diaphragm. As a result, the mother has an increased respiratory rate as she continues to provide for the needs of herself and her baby, oxygen as an example.