What am I looking for in the next Dean of the UP College of Nursing?

What am I looking for in the next Dean of the UP College of Nursing?

What am I looking for in the next Dean of the UP College of Nursing?

by Emmanuel James Baclig -
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  1. What are 2 leadership traits that you would like in a leader of an academic institution and why?

In my view as a student nurse, two essential leadership qualities for the head of an academic institution, especially in the College of Nursing, are accountability and empathy. Accountability is vital because it showcases a dedication to transparency and taking responsibility for choices and actions. A leader who prioritizes accountability sets a positive example for students and staff, cultivating trust and integrity.

Equally important is empathy, which enables a leader to grasp the challenges and feelings of students and faculty. It fosters a supportive and compassionate atmosphere where individuals feel valued and listened to. An empathetic leader can make informed, student-focused decisions, ultimately enhancing the overall educational experience.

Together, accountability and empathy work to establish a nurturing and responsible academic environment that promotes the growth and well-being of everyone involved.

  1. Name one leadership skill that will be beneficial for an academic institution and give a short explanation of how and why it will be beneficial. 

A crucial leadership skill in an academic setting, particularly in nursing, is problem-solving. It's about recognizing challenges, figuring out what's going on, and finding practical solutions. In education, this skill is vital for addressing issues related to courses, supporting students, and adapting to changing learning needs.

Problem-solving sparks creativity and adaptability, helping schools stay relevant and offer top-notch education. In nursing, where thinking critically is key, it sets a great example for students, encouraging them to handle complex issues with thoughtfulness in their practice.

Furthermore, it boosts efficiency and productivity in the institution, which ultimately benefits the students. In a nutshell, problem-solving is a versatile leadership skill that's essential for upholding the quality and effectiveness of academic programs.

  1. From the consultation with students, name one key point/idea/strategy that struck you or felt close to you. Give a short explanation of how/why this issue or strategy is relevant to you.

What resonated with me during the student consultation was the financial burden of being a student nurse. It struck a chord because, just like many of my peers, I've experienced the challenges of covering expenses related to our education. From the mandatory vaccinations and tests for enrollment to the continuous need for uniforms, internet access, and duty paraphernalia, the costs add up and significantly impact our allowances. This situation often leads to moments of hesitation when seeking financial support from our parents, as we are conscious of the frequent requests for school-related expenses. It's relevant to me because it highlights the importance of financial planning and finding ways to manage these costs effectively while pursuing our education.