What am I looking for in the next Dean of the UP College of Nursing?

What am I looking for in the next Dean of the UP College of Nursing?

What am I looking for in the next Dean of the UP College of Nursing?

by Catherine Pascua -
Number of replies: 0

1) What are 2 leadership traits that you would like in a leader of an academic institution and why?

  • In any academic institution, it's essential to recognize that students are not the exclusive priority; faculty and staff members also carry significant responsibilities and concerns. Nevertheless, I firmly believe that a capable leader should possess the ability to guide all stakeholders effectively. This leadership should be characterized by empathy, understanding, and active listening to the diverse concerns of students, faculty, and staff alike. True listening, in this context, means going beyond merely addressing surface complaints. It entails delving deeper into the core issues, understanding the underlying problems, and making decisions that serve the best interests of the entire academic community. By fostering an environment where everyone's concerns are genuinely heard and considered, a leader can create a harmonious and productive atmosphere within the institution. Such inclusive leadership not only enhances the overall experience for students but also promotes a sense of unity and shared purpose among all members of the academic community.


2) Name one leadership skill that will be beneficial for an academic institution and give a short explanation how and why it will be beneficial. 

  • A crucial leadership skill that can greatly benefit an academic institution involves the ability to fully immerse oneself as an integral part of the constituents. This means a leader should not stand aloof but actively engage with students, faculty, and staff, understanding their perspectives, challenges, and aspirations. By being approachable and relatable, a leader fosters a sense of community, breaking down hierarchical barriers that might hinder open communication. Such a leader can empathize with the concerns of students and the academic community, making decisions that are more informed and considerate. Moreover, this approach promotes a culture of mutual respect and cooperation within the institution, leading to a more collaborative and inclusive learning environment. By being one of the constituents, a leader demonstrates genuine commitment to the well-being and progress of the entire academic community, creating a positive atmosphere that encourages innovation, creativity, and academic excellence. This level of engagement not only strengthens the bond between the leadership and the community but also serves as a catalyst for continuous improvement and growth.


3) From the consultation with students, name one key point/idea/strategy that struck you or felt close to you. Give a short explanation how/why this issue or strategy is relevant to you.

  • What resonated deeply with me was the profound concern expressed by my peers regarding the overwhelming workload we face. I wholeheartedly share their sentiment; our academic requirements undeniably impact our well-being in comprehensive ways, encompassing our physical, mental, and emotional health. The weight of these demands can lead to physical exhaustion, heightened stress levels, and emotional strain, significantly affecting our overall quality of life. This issue is not merely about academic challenges but also addresses the fundamental aspect of our holistic health. Striking a balance between academic rigor and well-being is crucial for fostering a positive learning environment. It's imperative for institutions to acknowledge these concerns and proactively work towards solutions that promote a healthy equilibrium. By addressing the heavy workload issue, institutions can ensure that students thrive not only academically but also maintain their overall health and well-being, thereby enhancing their educational experience and long-term success.