VELASCO, Zuriel Josh A.

VELASCO, Zuriel Josh A.

by Zuriel Josh Velasco -
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Name 5 muscles which are affected and list its actions.

1. Platysma - pulls down the mandible, which opens the mouth; pulls the corners of the lips out to the side and down, which forms a frown

2. Orbicularis Oculi - closes the eyelids

3. Buccinator - presses the cheeks against the teeth while chewing and maintains the tightness of the cheeks

4. Orbicularis oris - closes and pushes the lips forward, which forms a kissing action; compresses the lips against the teeth and shapes it during speech

5. Occipitofrontalis - lifts the brows and moves the anterior scalp backward 

Describe the mechanism of his muscle weakness.

The patient's muscle weakness is mainly the result of the compression of the seventh cranial nerve at the geniculate ganglion. This compression most probably originated from an inflammatory process of the facial nerve. This muscle weakness is a condition in which affects only one side of the face, which makes the said side of the face appear to droop.

What other symptoms could the patient exhibit as a result of facial muscle weakness?

  • trouble retaining saliva on the affected side of the face
  • excessive tearing of the eye in the side in which is affected
  • difficulty expressing facial expressions 



Bell’s Palsy. (2023). National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. 

Tortora, G. J., & Derrickson, B. (2017). Principles of anatomy and physiology. Wiley Custom Learning Solutions.