VELASCO, Zuriel Josh A.

VELASCO, Zuriel Josh A.

by Zuriel Josh Velasco -
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1. Platysma

Origin - Fascia that covers the clavicle, the acromial region, and the superior portions of the pectoralis major and deltoid muscles

Insertion - Mandible and the skin, and subcutaneous tissue of the lower face

Action - Draws the corners of the mouth inferiorly and wide it; draws the skin of the neck superiorly when teeth are clenched

2. Mentalis

Origin - Incisive fossa of the mandible

Insertion - Soft tissue of the chin

Action - Elevates and protrudes the lower lip, and pulls the skin of the chin

3. Orbicularis oris

Origin - Medial aspects of mandible and maxilla  

Insertion - Skin of lips and oral mucosa

Action - Closes the mouth and compresses and protrudes the lips

4. Corrugator supercilii

Origin - Medial end of the superciliary arch of frontal bone, cranially to the root of the nose

Insertion - Skin of the eyebrow above the middle part of the supraorbital margin

Action - Draws the two eyebrows together medially and inferiorly

5. Orbicularis oculi

Origin - Nasal portion of the frontal bone, frontal process of maxilla, medial palpebral ligament, and the lacrimal bone 

Insertion - Lateral palpebral raphe and superior and inferior tarsal plates

Action - Closes eyelids tightly 

6. Occipitofrontalis

Origin - Lateral two-thirds of the highest nuchal line, and on the mastoid process of the temporal bone

Insertion - Epicranial aponeurosis

Action - Raises the eyebrows and wrinkles forehead 



Tortora, G. J., & Derrickson, B. (2017). Principles of anatomy and physiology. Wiley Custom Learning Solutions.