LIM, Gerica Mae M. - Activity 1

LIM, Gerica Mae M. - Activity 1

by Gerica Mae Lim -
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1. Platysma

Origin: arises from the fascia of the upper chest and shoulder muscles

Insertion: inserts into the lower border of the mandible (jawbone) and the skin and muscles of the lower face, around the mouth

Action: pulls the corners of the mouth downward, resulting in the downward pull of the lower lip

2. Mentalis

Origin: from the mental tubercle of the mandible — bony prominence on the mandible’s anterior surface, close to the midline of the chin

Insertion: inserts downward and medially into the skin of the chin

Action: contraction allows the upward and forward pulling of the chin, causing the lower lips to push outward

3. Orbicularis Oris

Origin: there is no distinct bony origin however, the fibers of this muscle surround the mouth

Insertion: inserts into various structures around the lips, including the skin and mucus membranes of the lips

Action: contraction brings the lips together therefore allowing lip closure and puckering of the lips

4. Corrugator Suprecilli

Origin: middle part of the superciliary arch (eyebrow ridge) of the frontal bone

Insertion: inserts into the forehead, middle of the eyebrows

Action: contraction results to pulling the inner ends of the eyebrows thus, forming vertical wrinkles in between

5. Orbicularis Oculi

Origin: no definite origin; arises from various points around the bones that houses the eyes

Insertion: inserts into several structures around the eye, including the skin of the eyelids

Action: allows the opening and closing of the eyes as its contraction results in the regulation of the eye opening

6. Occipitofrontalis

Origin: frontalis muscle from the connective tissue at the top of the skull and occipitalis muscle that originates from the base of the skull

Insertion: inserts into the skin of the forehead and eyebrow region

Action: frontalis muscle raises the eyebrows and horizontally wrinkles the skin while occipitalis muscle retracts the scalp backwards