Aranas, Ma. Francesca F. - Activity 1

Aranas, Ma. Francesca F. - Activity 1

by Ma. Francesca Aranas -
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1. Zygomaticus Major Muscle

Origin: Origin point id from the Zygomatic bone 

Insertion: Orbicularis at the modiolus

Action: Works with risorious muscle by lifting the corners of the mouth

2. Depressor Anguli Oris Muscle

Origin: Out of the fibers of the platysma muscle

Insertion: Modiolus mingling its fibers with the risorious and the orbicularis oris

Action: Aids in drawing the lower lip downward

3. Mentalis Muscle

Origin: Incisive fossa on anterior aspect of mandible

Insertion: Skin of chin

Action: Aids in elevation and wrinkling skin of chin and protrudes lower lip

4. Corrugator Supercilli and Procerus Muscles

Origin: Frontalis muscle

Insertion: Just above the root of the nose

Action: Responsible for the expression of frowning

5. Orbicularis Oculi Muscle

Origin: Frontal and maillary bones and the medial palpebral ligament

Insertion: Into the lateral palpebral raphia at the outer canthus of the eye

Action: Responsible for squinting and winking of the eyes

6. Frontalis and the Occipital Muscles

Origin: Out of the muscles that are over the bridge of the nose

Insertion: Posterior edge of the galea aponeruotica

Action: Responsible to create the expressions of surprise and fright by tightening the entire scalp


Paternoster, G. (2022). Muscles Of Facial Expression. Muscles 
