Activity 2. Reflection

NAVARETTE, Sofia Rolene D. - [Week 12] Activity 2

NAVARETTE, Sofia Rolene D. - [Week 12] Activity 2

by Sofia Rolene Navarette -
Number of replies: 0
1. What major challenge do you think you will encounter in applying what you have learned from anatomy?


Identifying body parts, differentiating each of their functions, and processing their significance as an entire system using diagrams and other visual aids is challenging enough. What more if I were already out in the field examining patients whose organs and blood vessels aren’t labeled and covered in bright colors for easy distinction? And given all the terms and information that we had to study in this course, I worry about how will I be able to absorb and retain everything so that I could really apply them eventually as I attend to patients. In addition, our current mode of learning didn’t help in alleviating the difficulty of the situation since the online setup didn’t allow us to conduct actual laboratory activities, which would have aided us better in learning the subject.


2. What are your plans to overcome this challenge?


As a student nurse, I wouldn’t want to show up at my hospital duty, where I will encounter and deal with actual people who need medical care, unprepared. Although I recognize that there is always room for improvement and that the process of learning is never-ending, I would still like to be equipped with all the necessary knowledge and be competent enough. Thus, to overcome these challenges, I have been working on my study techniques and routine by identifying which method suits me, exhausting all the available resources, and practicing consistency. I am still a work in progress and I still have a lot to resolve to maximize my learning, but with grit and determination, I know that I will be able to surpass the trials ahead of me.