Activity 2. Reflection

SUNIEGA, John Vincent M. - Activity 2: Reflection

SUNIEGA, John Vincent M. - Activity 2: Reflection

by John Vincent Suniega -
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ACTIVITY 2: Reflection


1. What major challenge do you think you will encounter in applying what you have learned from anatomy?


Anatomy is probably one of the most challenging subjects that I had so far because not only does it involves memorization, it requires us to be meticulous whenever we identify and determine parts of the body because some parts tend to look the same and only a few details separate them from each other. Also, we have to understand the concepts of each system because that will give us an idea of how its parts were given that name since it is quite impossible to memorize everything that belongs to a particular system. This is the reason why I think the major challenge that I will encounter in applying what I have learned from anatomy is being precise when it comes to identifying the parts of the body that I will be encountering especially as I start dealing with my patients. We all know that every part of our body is there for a specific reason and all of them are interconnected with each other so if something happens to a certain organ in our body, it will have a domino effect and will affect the other parts of our body as well. If it happens that I will not be able to identify the body part that concerns my patient, there is a possibility that I may put my patient at risk. This is the reason why it is a must for us, student nurses, to study anatomy religiously because it serves as our backbone especially as we deal with the different conditions of our patients. 


2. What are your plans to overcome this challenge?


Studying anatomy may be hard, but once you put your mind to it and realize that what you are learning can help someone in the future, it motivates you to do your best in this subject. This is the reason why my first course of action to overcome this challenge is to set a positive and goal-driven mindset because once you let tardiness get the best of you, you will just think that the subject is too hard without realizing that you are not even making an effort to learn more. Also, this mindset will only be possible if you actualize it which means that you need to make time to learn our body parts body, especially the intricate ones, and you can do that by making diagrams, creating mnemonic devices, and even illustrating the parts so that all the details will be engraved in your mind. You have to repeat this process all the time so that the information will always be fresh in your mind whenever you use it for your other subjects that also bank on the concepts of anatomy. If there is also one thing that I have learned from memorizing things over the years, that is to create or have your own technique whenever you memorize because that would save you from all the hassle and stress since you are directing your mind to memorize different concepts in a way that your mind is comfortable doing and this can also be applied on anatomy which heavily relies on memorization. What I would usually do is that after I illustrate parts of the body, I remove all the labels and then I try identifying them on my own. I repeat this process until such time that I can already distinguish the parts of a particular system despite how small it may be. It also works if you have a partner who can ask you questions related to anatomy because it would make the memorization process more fun and interactive.