Activity 2. Reflection

ROLDAN, Ashanti Pauline R. - Activity 2. Reflection

ROLDAN, Ashanti Pauline R. - Activity 2. Reflection

by Ashanti Pauline Roldan -
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1. What major challenge do you think you will encounter in applying what you have learned from anatomy?
In applying what I have learned from anatomy, I believe the major challenge I will encounter is no one but myself. Our brain is known as the control center of our body, it is responsible for our actions, the way we think, our emotions, and a lot more processes in the body. Sometimes, other people or other things are not even the problem in my life, sometimes, it's me. I'm the one who makes major decisions in my life, whether I choose to do something or not, whether I opt to settle for less or do my best. Self-sabotaging, low self-esteem, and having doubts around myself are three of the worst things ever. When I know at the back of my mind I can do better, it's always my fear stopping me to do so. Sometimes I become so hard on myself, I become a perfectionist and set standards to high, I always get disappointed I don't reach. Other times, instead of working on myself and improving myself, I end up being settling for the minimum, which is something I do not want because I wish to become the best version of myself. 

2. What are your plans to overcome this challenge?
I plan to overcome this challenge by reminding myself that I am human. Just like all human beings, we all have our fears and our doubts, we all get tired and hungry, and we all have our limits and our potentials. I should not force myself when I feel like I cannot do something anymore, I can always take a rest, but it's never bad to try again and test where the extent of my abilities lies. I should take care of myself more by being kind and gentle to myself, by reminding myself of positive affirmations everyday so I can condition my mind. I should take care of my body often more by staying healthy, eating at the right time, taking rests, and staying away from harm, as a healthy body comes a healthy mind. It's comforting to know that my cells and organs are always there to fight for me, they do their best to keep me alive and healthy, and in this battle, I am with them because I am them.