Activity 2. Reflection



by Jess Dominic Obra -
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What major challenge do you think you will encounter in applying what you have learned from anatomy?

Once an individual becomes a nurse, hands with healing touch and eyes with a clinical vision are developed. And with this, they are able to instigate the heroism of a nurse in the field. However, in order to acquire such abilities, fullness of hook to supply in Anatomy and Physiology must first be unlocked as it broadens the spectrum of one’s knowledge when it comes to providing the best care possible to a patient. 

Seeking insights into the true nature of things expel illumination to the perceptions deeply engraved in the dimmed world. Upon reaping the benefits of discovery in the aforesaid subject, one major challenge I think I will encounter in its application is the mastery of the parts of the human body. Considering that the subject is content-heavy, retention of memory would be difficult. Hinged on the mastery of the human body, one thing I’m also worried about is how I am going to visualize and identify its parts on a real container of a soul since the foundation of my knowledge regarding its appearance are only based on the illustrations provided. Not to mention that illustrations are quite not accurate with an original structure as it is merely a representation of it.

Like a mobile device, the brain can only cater a limited amount of storage. In fact, the amount of information on the Internet may not even be comparable to what the human brain can store in its memory. With this, certainty would be vague as memory fades along with the passage of time.

What are your plans to overcome this challenge?

Diffusion of advancement is the only true guardian of eminence as it springs not from the cacophony of thoughts, but from the ultimate desire to accept a certain responsibility. As a future nurse, it is my job to provide a silver-lining to the indigence of the human condition. Lives are dictated by the execution of the skills and knowledge acquired by a professional. As a direct consequence, repetitive missteps would only create the biggest turmoils in the arena of healthcare. 

To yield a domain of refinement, preparation must be brought into play. Concentrating efforts into recalling, researching, and exposing oneself to its bewildering concepts would come much of a big help in busting the challenges that may emerge due to a myriad of factors. After all, failing to plan is planning to fail.