Activity 2. Reflection

TANILON, Pauline Joy B. - Activity 2: Reflection

TANILON, Pauline Joy B. - Activity 2: Reflection

by Pauline Joy Tanilon -
Number of replies: 0


1. What major challenge do you think you will encounter in applying what you have learned from anatomy?

In my opinion, how the anatomical structures function and appear in actual life with actual people will present a significant challenge for me as I put what I have studied into practice. Since all of our laboratory sessions were conducted online and some of them required merely watching videos, I believe that working with particular organs would be challenging. Moreover, due to the fast-paced nature of the topics covered in this course, I also believe that ransacking my brain for a certain concept would be quite overwhelming for me.


2. What are your plans to overcome this challenge?

I intend to get through the difficulties I have described by carrying out laboratory experiments I can easily do at my home while continuing to study videos on the functions of anatomical parts so that I may comprehend how they operate in the human body. Additionally, in order for me to avoid becoming overloaded, I would employ various learning strategies like spaced repetition in order to store more information in my long-term memory and be able to remember it easily.