Activity 2. Reflection

ZALDIVAR, Georgette E. - Activity 2: Reflection

ZALDIVAR, Georgette E. - Activity 2: Reflection

by Georgette Zaldivar -
Number of replies: 0

Week 12
Activity 2



What major challenge do you think you will encounter in applying what you have learned from anatomy?

Personally, one of the major struggles I’ve been having concerning the lessons we’ve tackled in Anatomy and Physiology is retention. I have constantly been overthinking whether I would be able to retain enough vital information enough to be able to apply such learnings practically. A factor of this could be attributed to the lack of practical applications, as all sessions and laboratory activities were done online. I personally think that learning the concepts we learned is a much different experience than when applying them. Moreover, I believe my retention would be much better had we experienced a real-life laboratory or hands-on involvement.


What are your plans to overcome this challenge? 

While real-life or hands-on experience is still impossible at the moment, I believe one way to overcome this challenge would be more exposure to various kinds of resources specifically designed for learning anatomy and physiology, for instance, by watching videos that show real imagery of the various body parts and organs. I also think that I still have more time to relearn and review all these concepts in the coming semesters. However, I acknowledge the fact that what happens now is crucial in our preparation for further nursing courses in the future.