Activity 2. Reflection

ARAGO, Alessandra Rein Isabel A. - Activity 2. Reflection

ARAGO, Alessandra Rein Isabel A. - Activity 2. Reflection

by Alessandra Rein Isabel Arago -
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  1. What major challenge do you think you will encounter in applying what you have learned from anatomy?

Learning anatomy and physiology is already difficult since there is an enormous number of materials we must understand and know by heart. Information overload and time constraints may hinder optimal learning of the course. Meanwhile, applying and putting into practice all of these learnings in real-life situations is another challenge. I think one of the challenges I will encounter is remembering and retrieving all the information I learned correctly since it is crucial for my future career as a nurse. It might also be difficult to apply since we haven’t examined anatomy outside of books and online materials. 

  1. What are your plans to overcome this challenge?

Despite the challenges, I am determined to understand and know anatomy by heart by practicing spaced repetition. While it takes a lot of time and effort, spaced repetition helps me recall and retrieve information from past lessons. And since I am a visual learner, I try to find resources that provide comprehensive illustrations, mechanisms, and anatomy charts. Self-studying this course in an online setup can be laborious and demanding, so I try to put more effort into reading, understanding, and answering the reference book.