Activity 2. Reflection

DELA CRUZ, Rhana Shana P._Activity 2 - Reflection

DELA CRUZ, Rhana Shana P._Activity 2 - Reflection

by Rhana Shana Dela Cruz -
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  1. What major challenge do you think you will encounter in applying what you have learned from anatomy?

I think the largest difficulty I will face in applying everything I have learned so far, given the lessons we have covered, is making sure it is all appropriate and accurate. I say this because, despite the fact that we have learned the ideas relating to the anatomical and physiological elements of our body's systems, I believe the issue will arise from the fact that we haven't actually seen or witnessed these systems and processes in action. 

  1. What are your plans to overcome this challenge?

Since it would not be simple to have firsthand, personal experiences, I believe the best thing I can do is expose myself to other resources outside of textbooks. In my opinion, interactive audio-visual presentations and videos are more effective at helping me comprehend such difficult ideas. It not only enables me to picture the procedures covered in textbooks, but it also helps in my comprehension of these procedures and ideas from a comprehensive standpoint.