Activity 2. Reflection

MEJIA - Activity 2

MEJIA - Activity 2

by Lovely Hazeleen Mejia -
Number of replies: 0

1. What major challenge do you think you will encounter in applying what you have learned from anatomy?

The major challenge I have is too much information to know in a given limited duration. Reading is quick to do but comprehension is not. Going over the topics in an Anatomy book is easy but retaining the information is not, especially those anatomical terms that are new to me. Because of the limited time, I always miss the opportunity to dive deep into the topics.

2. What are your plans to overcome this challenge?

I constantly remind myself that learning nursing courses requires me to have the love of learning. In my experience, I think consistency is the key. Instead of studying the entire body system for the whole four hours and then forgetting everything after a day or two, I plan to allot about thirty minutes to one hour everyday to frequently go back to the topics I’ve already learned, recall, and relearn. I also plan to utilize my spare time to develop a habit of browsing articles or videos available online about anything AnaPhy-related stories or situations, watch anatomy videos showing the body systems using cadaver (which I really enjoy a lot), and see it as a learning process but entertainment at the same time. Anatomy is really fun but one really needs to have the passion and perseverance to learn the load of topics regardless of how limited the amount of time is given.