Activity 2. Reflection

SOMATIZA, Thea M._Activity 2

SOMATIZA, Thea M._Activity 2

by Thea Somatiza -
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Activity 2

1. What major challenge do you think you will encounter in applying what you have learned from anatomy?

As soon as I read the question, "What major challenge do you think you will encounter in applying what you have learned in anatomy?" the first thing that comes to my mind is the amount of knowledge we, students, have to digest. It is no secret that the massive volume of information might easily overwhelm individuals since it addresses vital and complicated processes and parts. Furthermore, dealing with Anatomy and Physiology means having a lot of illustrations and figures that are somehow challenging to visualize. Since we are currently in an online setup, we couldn't maximize the available instruments, materials, and resources that our institution could offer. Despite that, the laboratory worksheets and other provided documents served as a great help in envisioning and understanding the basic concepts of the said subject. 

Since I am more of an empiricist, I prefer learning from practical experience and observing the anatomy in real life rather than merely studying it at home. Although I'm pretty sure the majority of student nurses go through this same experience as we do, I couldn't wait for the day when I could actually see these bodily parts and how they function in real life. Overall, I am deeply honored to have this course, and satisfy my curiosity about Anatomy & Physiology.


2. What are your plans to overcome this challenge?

Learning and digesting this subject's concepts requires a lot of effort. Self-studying or learning is one of the best actions that I could exhibit, especially with the current setup we have right now—maximizing and utilizing the resources available online and the materials that our professors offer are several things that I could use to help myself with understanding this course. Even though I sometimes find myself being overwhelmed with the amount of information and workload that Anatomy and Physiology demand, I still enjoy this subject. Furthermore, having friends who guide you with envisioning the figures and helping you remember the ideas by asking questions helped me immensely. Additionally, integrating the terms and concepts in my day-to-day conversations with my family and friends tremendously contributed to overcoming this challenge.