Activity 2. Reflection

TAN, Alyssa Mariz P. - Activity 2. Reflection

TAN, Alyssa Mariz P. - Activity 2. Reflection

by Alyssa Mariz Tan -
Number of replies: 0

1. What major challenge do you think you will encounter in applying what you have learned from anatomy?

Personally, a major challenge that I have encountered in applying what I have learned from AnaPhy is the fact that this class was taught in an online environment. Due to the pandemic, it had forced us to undergo in an online setup and that really limits our ability to learn and gain more knowledge with the things that are being taught in this subject, especially to us aspiring nurses. This is because someday, the lives of thousands of people would be placed in our hands. If our learning opportunities were limited to us, especially in this crucial subject that teaches the functions and the structure of the human body, then just what could our future patients experience? As aspiring nurses, of course, we would want to be equipped with sufficient knowledge in taking care of a patient because a single mistake, no matter how small, could potentially lead to the death of a patient. This is why I believe that I think applying the concepts that I have learned during this class would be a challenge for me as I lack personal experience in doing so.

2. What are your plans to overcome this challenge?

A way that I plan to overcome this challenge is to use our advancement of technology to my advantage. In our present time, there are websites that provide a 3D presentation of our bodies which allows us to have the capability to have a wider range of knowledge instead of us looking at pictures. Furthermore, now that the country’s situation has settled down (hopefully no more relapses in terms of our situation), there is a high possibility that classes would now return to being face-to-face which would then allow us to perform laboratories and such that would allow individuals to retain knowledge more especially if you are a visual learner and such. During this time, I would work harder and remind myself that it’s okay to make mistakes and experience failures, what matters is that I would always pick myself back up and try again. I have to remind myself that these failures are building blocks that would allow me to grow even further as a person and as an aspiring nurse. All in all, these would allow me to flourish my skills and finally have the capability to properly take care of my patients in the future.