Activity 2. Reflection

ANACLETO, Meg Althea U._Activity 2: Reflection

ANACLETO, Meg Althea U._Activity 2: Reflection

by Meg Althea Anacleto -
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  1. What major challenge do you think you will encounter in applying what you have learned from anatomy?

Ensuring what you have recalled is right serves as a challenge for me. A concept that hasn’t been run over in a long time tends to be distorted or usually forgotten. As anatomy and physiology involve a lot of terminology and concepts, memory retention serves as a challenge that needs to be overcome as it is one of the foundations of nursing. By ensuring that the terms and concepts in my head are accurate, application in real-life situations could be executed correctly.

  1. What are your plans to overcome this challenge?

I plan to look for advice and tips given by those who also took up nursing and explore various ways to find the one that works for me. Once I have found the study style that fits me, I will turn it into a habit that I will carry with me throughout the rest of my years in nursing. Also, I will make sure to maintain a healthy physical and emotional state such that I will be able to study effectively and efficiently.