Activity 2. Reflection

ASUNCION, John Matthew T. - Activity 2. Reflection

ASUNCION, John Matthew T. - Activity 2. Reflection

by John Matthew Asuncion -
Number of replies: 0

1. What major challenge do you think you will encounter in applying what you have learned from anatomy?

I think the major challenge that I will encounter is applying the large amount of knowledge in this course. It is already challenging trying to learn all of the topics of AnaPhy. Without any personal experience and with only having pictures as a reference, how hard would it be trying to remember and apply all of the things that I have learned to actual patients? If I am going to care for a patient, knowing the parts and functions should already be second nature for me. Considering that I am only familiar with the parts of their pictures, it would be more difficult for me to visualize and apply all of the topics discussed.

2. What are your plans to overcome this challenge?

There are things that I need to master and do in order to overcome this challenge. First, I need to give myself time to link different knowledge together—seeing it as a big picture rather than just individual pixels. This is better than just seeing each topic as a separate one. Next, I need to immerse myself in finding references that do not only offer a 2d-picture view of organs, muscles, etc. This is to ensure that I have a basic understanding of what they would look like in real life so that I will not be overwhelmed by them. Last, I need to just practice and practice, may it be through videos, labs, etc. As I practice, I may make mistakes. As I make mistakes, I will ask people who are experts in this field. As I ask, I will grow and develop.