Activity 2. Reflection

SANTUYO, Rica Lianne L. - Activity 2 - Reflection

SANTUYO, Rica Lianne L. - Activity 2 - Reflection

by Rica Lianne Santuyo -
Number of replies: 0

1. What major challenge do you think you will encounter in applying what you have learned from anatomy?

Personally, I think about information overload, issues with visualizing structures, and a lack of hands-on activities. First, with information overload, there are a lot of terms and concepts to memorize that are now difficult to recall and remember. Next are issues with visualizing structures. Since we only relied on pictures from the internet, it might be difficult for us to apply the learnings in real life because of challenges in identifying structures and how we translate the location of each part from different views (anterior, posterior, etc.). Lastly, indeed, there need to be more hands-on activities. I feel N3 would be more exciting and productive in face-to-face classes. I feel like the laboratory experiments would be fun to perform with other people around. It just feels like this online setup restricted practical-based learning.

2. What are your plans to overcome this challenge?
I plan to overcome these challenges first by improving my learning routine. I would like to continue doing spaced repetition for me to absorb the lesson well. Another is by taking frequent breaks in between studying to avoid information overload. For the second issue, I recently discovered different applications that can be downloaded for anatomy lessons that have 3D visuals. For me, investing in these applications is a good idea because it does help in visualizing the structures. As for the third issue, there are other laboratory experiments that are doable during my free time. I also think that it is a good idea to perform them for visualization purposes. Other than that, I also think that asking questions from my seniors if they have other resources and notes would also be helpful. But hopefully, face-to-face classes should start soon because we really need practical learning in order to maximize our learning from anatomy.