Activity 2. Reflection

MARQUEZ, John Rei M. - Digestive System Activity 2. Reflection

MARQUEZ, John Rei M. - Digestive System Activity 2. Reflection

by John Rei Marquez -
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1. What major challenge do you think you will encounter in applying what you have learned from anatomy?

     As the field of science that deals with structures and forms, anatomy has proven to be quite puzzling. The figures and illustrations are a treat to the eyes but a struggle to the mind. Not only are some of the parts difficult to visualize, but the labels and names can also be quite arbitrary or overwhelmingly many. I am glad that the anatomy portion of this subject is found only on the worksheets and not on the exams, but I know that I still have to take this subject seriously because it is crucial to my succeeding subjects and career as a future nurse.

     When the time comes that I would have to put my knowledge of anatomy into practice, the biggest challenge might be that the structures in person are different from the structures in the pictures. The body structures in real life are not as organized, detailed, or clear as the ones seen in books or online resources, which might make them difficult to identify and differentiate from one another. For instance, the human heart in an operating room may be covered with a lot of blood and skin tissue, making it more obscure compared to the illustration found in, say, Tortora and Derrickson (2011).


2. What are your plans to overcome this challenge?

     I have a two-fold plan to overcome this challenge. First is preparation. This comes in the form of refreshing my knowledge from previous lessons by looking at comprehensive reference materials such as Tortora and Derrickson's Principles of Anatomy and Physiology, 13th Edition (2011), Seeley's Anatomy and Physiology, 13th Edition (2022), and Netter's Atlas of Human Anatomy, 8th Edition (2022). Studying from these credible sources allows for an accurate and in-depth understanding of both the parts (anatomy) and functions (physiology). Second, I will use my regular exposure to patients as a learning opportunity. As they say, experience is the best teacher. So as I fulfill my duties as a future nurse, I know that I will have to adopt a mindset of lifelong learning not only in anatomy but in other aspects as well.