Activity 2

ONG, Jared P. - Activity 2

ONG, Jared P. - Activity 2

by Jared Ong -
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After having tackled the lymphatic system, I was able to open my eyes to the many significant functions which allow our bodies to function healthily every day.

Since its primary function is maintaining the fluids in our tissues and maintaining the proper function of our blood vessels (via draining of lymph), and of course, defending the body against injuries and infections, among which would be inflammation. 


Inflammation is a response that showed significant importance during my studies as it activates when our bodies encounter external trauma or infection. However, you may wonder why I considered this to be an important topic that I was able to discover within the lymphatic system. Well, as mentioned earlier, people in the medical field can use it to find any apparent external injuries or infections. Internally, even with no signs of illnesses or injuries, the response can be a significant sign of chronic inflammation, which nurses can use to deduct if a patient has symptoms of chronic diseases such as arthritis or Alzheimer's (Inflammation: What Is It, Causes, Symptoms & Treatment, n.d.-b). 


Overall, the lymphatic system (despite my selecting only one response/topic) is of significant importance to all of our bodies; without it, we would be highly vulnerable to what our environment has to offer, especially during the time of the pandemic. 




Inflammation: What Is It, Causes, Symptoms & Treatment. (n.d.-b). Cleveland Clinic.