Activity 2

SILVERIO, Rainne Ennkei Margarett_Activity 2

SILVERIO, Rainne Ennkei Margarett_Activity 2

by Rainne Ennkei Margarett Silverio -
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Activity 2


Choose one concept from our lesson today, give a brief explanation of the concept, and cite how you would apply this learning in your everyday life.


As the lymphatic system was tackled, I appreciated how significantly the system prevents us from acquiring infections, and without its existence, we become very susceptible to various microbes in our surroundings. But in addition to that, I want to reflect more on how I've learned more about the reasons why some diseases affect us less severely the second or subsequent times that we contract them. In some cases, once we contract a particular disease or virus, like chickenpox—we may not be able to contract it again. When we get chickenpox, our immune system produces antibodies that defend us against the same virus and quickly target the pathogen because memory B cells have made it familiar to them.

Through the aid of adaptive immunity, I have learned how this is made possible. As was previously tackled, adaptive immunity is the immunity that develops over the course of our lives and is strengthened by exposure to diseases or vaccinations that produce specific antibodies against a given disease. This information supports the idea that we should continue to promote immunizations, particularly for neonates because they have weaker immunity since their immune system is still developing and they have fewer cytotoxic T cells than adults. With that said, vaccines are vital to protect them from contracting serious illnesses.