Activity 2

GUTIERREZ, Nathalie Bianca V. - Activity 2

GUTIERREZ, Nathalie Bianca V. - Activity 2

by Nathalie Bianca Gutierrez -
Number of replies: 0

Choose one concept in our lesson today, give a brief explanation about the concept and cite how you would apply this learning in your everyday life.

One concept that got my attention was how stress could affect a person’s immunity. When under stress, the adrenal cortex secretes cortisol which inhibits our immune system. As a student, I usually get overwhelmed by the amount of schoolworks I have to do. Consequently, I do not eat on time and have trouble falling asleep. Learning about the relationship between stress and my immune system gave an explanation on how it negatively affects my daily activities. Hence, I will take care of myself more in the future so that I will not have any problems concerning my immunity.