Activity 2

Hernando, Hally T - Activity 2

Hernando, Hally T - Activity 2

by Hally Tapaoan -
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Choose one concept in our lesson today, give a brief explanation about the concept and cite how would you apply this learning in your everyday life.

  • The concept of process of inflammation, including the classic signs of inflammation such as redness, swelling, heat, pain or discomfort, and loss of function caught my interest the most. While I was studying this part, my little niece was also reading what I was studying, so she asked me what an inflammation is, in which I answered what it was and how you can get in from injuries. With that discussion, I remembered how when I was younger, my clumsy self would have bruises on my legs or knees when I hit something hard. It had always fascinated me why that happened -- and why I didn't get an open wound instead. That said, I realized how important this concept is, especially to myself, as I still actually get redness and swelling in different parts of my body. Through this, I could be able to determine the appropriate care for those injured areas and the reason behind those. Furthermore, I could educate my niece whenever she has an inflammed injury and make sure she understands what's happening so she doesn't panic and cry.