First 1000 Day Forum

First 1000 Day Forum

First 1000 Day Forum

by Leoneil Jenz Erna -
Number of replies: 0

“Good Nutrition is a foundation of a child’s survival, health, and development”.

 What are your insights on this quote?


Nutrition is indeed a crucial determinant of a child’s survival, health, and development. Providing the right and proper nutrition ascertains not only the survivability of the child but also his or her growth and ability to rise out of poverty which further contributes to the nation’s long-term health and stability (United Nations Children’s Fund, n.d.).

During the first 1000 days, the brain grows at a tremendous rate, creating up to 1,000 neural connections per second and plasticity is highest during this period. Nutrients that are of particular importance during this process are iron, protein, zinc, iodine, and folate (Stirling-Reed, 2022). If the child is not getting the essential nutrients for brain development, it may affect the child’s overall development and cause lifelong consequences such as delayed cognitive development which can result in reduced learning ability. 

In addition to this, physical development is also rapid during the first 1000 days. Inability to provide adequate nutrition can lead to stunting which can create adverse effects that can last for a lifetime. Some of these are impaired brain development, lower IQ, weakened immune system, and higher risk of diseases later in life. Stunted children also had lower productivity and earn up to 20 percent lower than average wages as adults. 

With this, it is vital that we educate mothers on proper maternal nutrition before and during pregnancy and lactation. We must also promote exclusive breastfeeding for six months and start complementary feeding at 6 months while continuing breastfeeding up to 2 years and beyond. By doing so, we provide children the continuous nutrition that they need for them to survive, thrive, and develop to their fullest potential. 



Iellamo, E. (2022). Postpartum Care [PowerPoint slides]. College of Nursing. University of the Philippines-Manila.

Stirling-Reed, C. (2022). The Importance of Nutrition During the First 1000 Days of Life. Retrieved March 19, 2022 from

United Nations Children’s Fund (n.d.). First 1000 Days: The Critical Window to Ensure that Children Survive and Thrive. Retrieved March 19, 2022 from