Making Pregnancy Safer

Making Pregnancy Safer

Making Pregnancy Safer

by Marina Catalina Alicia Deacosta Guerrero -
Number of replies: 0


  1. In response to Making Pregnancy Safer, what are the current programs in the country to address maternal mortality and morbidity? Cite at least 1.

The National Safe Motherhood Program centers around the improvement of women’s health and well-being. This is made possible by the collaboration with the different LGUs in giving women, especially disadvantaged women, access to high-quality health services for them to safely give birth in health facilities near to them. In addition, the program prioritizes adolescent pregnant women and women's unmet needs for contraception for family planning until 2030.


  1. What can you suggest in order to decrease our maternal mortality and morbidity in the country? Give at least 3 suggestions.

Proper implementation of Reproductive Health Law. It is important for one to be literate in reproductive health knowledge since the law promotes women’s health and rights. It also focuses on contraception and family planning which can help resolve overpopulation which is commonly caused by unwanted pregnancies especially in teenagers.

Access to Quality HealthcareMajority of Filipinos do not have access to healthcare, especially those in marginalized communities. Given this, people would rather consult albularyos since they don’t have the financial resources to consult a medical professional. 

Health Education. A lot of Filipino mothers are misinformed on which practices are deemed harmful not only to the child but to them as well. Giving them the right information will make mothers more aware of the choices and practices they partake in.

