Ambulansyang-de-Paa: Collaborative Discussion

Ambulansiyang de Paa: Collaborative Discussion

Ambulansiyang de Paa: Collaborative Discussion

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What is the importance of pre-hospital care in improving outcomes for patients especially for those with acute life-threatening conditions and in improving access to health care?

Good access to healthcare meant people receiving the care they need whenever they need it. Without good prehospital care, it would be difficult to transfer and provide care for those who are injured on site and those who have illnesses in far flung places. If prehospital care is well-integrated with hospital and primary care, there will be less friction in the referral system, there will be better access and healthcare response, and there will be prompt healthcare provision. Early detection, first aid and prompt interventions will mean that care is given when people need it the most and prevent the deterioration of patients with life-threatening conditions.