Ambulansyang-de-Paa: Collaborative Discussion

Ambulansyang de-Paa: Collaborative Discussion

Ambulansyang de-Paa: Collaborative Discussion

by Jia Marcellano -
Number of replies: 0

Pre-hospital care comprises treatment given to patients before the arrive at the hospital, including evaluation and care. The documentary highlighted the difficulties in terms of pre-hospital care in some areas of the country and the struggle some patients go through because of this. The lack of access to proper pre-hospital care puts the patients at risk for complications, infection and increases the risk of mortality. The key problems seen in the video include inaccessible health centers and hospitals, unavailable ambulance, unfinished roads, lack of medical personnel and medical supplies among others.


Without the access to health personnel, patients in some areas of the country are forced to consult their neighbors and barangay officials, oftentimes resulting to incorrect medical advice. As seen in the documentary, the locals use random alternatives for medications due to the lack of supplies and the inaccessibility of healthcare facilities.


Prehospital care is a critical component of the health systems, and it is necessary to improve the outcomes of injury and other time-sensitive illnesses. Injuries and other time-sensitive illnesses such as cardiac arrest, stroke, sepsis and other emergencies are significant contributor to premature mortality and disability. These emergencies need timely attention and in some areas of the country as seen in the documentary, it is not possible unfortunately. Without the availability of a fast transport system and ambulance, medical emergencies are not attended to. This lack of pre-hospital care negatively affects the outcomes of medical, obstetric, and pediatric emergencies.