Ambulansyang-de-Paa: Collaborative Discussion

Ambulansyang-de-Paa: Collaborative Discussion

Ambulansyang-de-Paa: Collaborative Discussion

by Avelyn Goc -
Number of replies: 0

The importance of pre-hospital care for patients with acute, life-threatening illness is on the timeliness of quality emergency healthcare interventions. First of all, pre-hospital care should be timely. This does not only apply in emergencies, but also in health maintenance of patients. Severe manifestations of preventable diseases and Complications from comorbid conditions will less likely manifest if health prevention and maintenance is good. Secondly, the capacity to respond depends on the accessibility of roads, adequate transportation with the basic equipment for emergency interventions that may be done even enroute to the ED, and skilled responders. These determine the quality of health care that the patient with a life-threatening condition will be given. Subsequently, good quality health care will result in good patient outcomes. In Ambulansyang de Paa, it is revealed to us that there are still areas in the country where the standard health care is inaccessible. The reality of the situation in our country is that many still die from preventable diseases. Many still do not get to see a doctor even once in their lives despite having conditions that warrant consultation. All Filipinos are deserving of accessible good quality health care. Any improvement on accessing healthcare by placing the infrastructure and building the capacity for emergency response will help attain that goal.